Regardless of how far one walks and walks and walks,
there is no end.
There is good and bad in the futile stories of life,
therefore there is nothing truly good in the world.
One might be busy, but he is busy in vain –
no matter what he does, he does not achieve anything,
and no matter how far he walks, he does not get anywhere.
Struggling along with the years that silently pass,
thinking only of the futile events of life,
all that he achieves, all that man’s achievements amount to,
is his own protection, and the tending of his fame and security.
After struggling for my own benefit in a dream world,
I have been born in the land of light –
and I know the ways of heaven and earth,
because my eyes can now see clearly.
There is not one thing to have or take in life,
but a person who amasses treasures, blessings, in the land of Truth,
is truly wealthy.
What man needs to do while he is living,
is to be born in the world of light and Truth,
and amass many blessings by working for the true world.
Such a person is truly wise.
Time passes silently, and he who does not do so,
will struggle and bear a heavy burden.
Many people live in the latter way,
but no one realizes that they do.
The only way to know how to escape from human suffering,
is to completely die.
Just as it is only possible to see from another point of view,
when you let go of yourself and see from a third person’s viewpoint,
when you die and become the standpoint of the Universe that is the world,
it is possible to see and know the world properly.
One is born in the world in order to live,
and in order to amass fortune in the true world.

Do not live a life that is futile,
but be born in the land where there is light,
where all people work for the new world;
where they work to build a rich, new world.

Written by Woo Myung



Teacher Woo Myung is the founder of the meditation method to achieve human completion. In addition to being an accomplished composer, artist, calligraphist, and lecturer, Teacher Woo Myung has created works that transcend languages and cultures to deeply touch the heart and minds of people worldwide.

He is the award winning author of 10 bestselling books, including Stop Living in This Land, Go to the Everlasting World of Happiness, Live There Forever which hit #1 on Amazon’s Bestseller list in 2014 and received many book awards that year. Also in 2014, Where You Become True Is the Place of Truth won the Montaigne Medal by Eric Hoffer Book Awards as the most thought provoking book.

From humble beginnings and the perpetual questions about life and existence, the answers to these questions only came to Teacher Woo Myung after he achieved Truth. He then realized that anyone can become Truth if they discarded their selves, and he began to ponder on the best method possible to teach others to also become Truth. “In order to teach people, there needed to be a method. I studied this question from the perspective of ordinary people.” He no longer needed to cleanse his own mind, but he studied even harder, eventually resulting in seven levels of meditation methods. To this day he continues to study, write, and give speeches on these questions.