

Where Is Heaven And Where Is The Land Of Truth?

We see the sky outside every day. The sky is Truth and what religions call the absolute.

But people cannot truly see the sky. This is because they do not have the sky in their minds. A sky that does not exist in your mind is not your sky; and you cannot know it, because you are not the sky.

A person who has the sky, Truth, within him, is himself the sky – an eternal and never-dying immortal. He has become immortal.

Man can know the sky only when it exists within him. It only exists when he disappears and becomes the sky itself. It is the same for the land of Truth – only when the sky exists within man, is there a heaven. The land of the sky is heaven and the land of Truth.

A person who has the sky within him is a person who lives in eternal heaven.


– Woo Myung